Obligatory tech stack
Many developers have perfected their blogging framework. Written the most elegant code. Deployed an efficient hosting solution. Removed all the friction from the writing process. Only to find themselves with the sole remaining task of writing.
Here I am, in that situation.
I know some of what I want to write here:
- I'm committed to actually learning a thing or two about photography this year. I will be travelling a lot. I will be in beautiful places. I've never felt I've taken too many photos on vacation. Maybe I'll discover what it's like to take too many photos. Perhaps I'll take some more pictures to be proud of.
- I want to experiment more with using LLMs to create spoiler-free wikis for epic fantasy series. Limited context windows and hallucinations stifled previous attempts.
- I've long had plans to build a relay computer. I should take the time to learn PCB design and make it a reality.
Hopefully, a clear record helps me hold myself accountable for making progress. Hopefully, writing helps me learn all these things better. Hopefully, I will focus a little more this year.
I wrote a Python script to build this site from Markdown files. I wrote another script to generate a template Markdown file for new posts. ChatGPT wrote a script to add latency to requests so I can see how image loading looks. I wrote some Jinja templates. ChatGPT wrote some CSS. I fixed some CSS. ChatGPT wrote a minimal lightbox implementation.
I generate and commit the HTML to a git repo. Cloudflare Pages serves the static files. This method has worked for another site I recently built.