I got a manual camera today.
The prompt from ChatGPT for today's photo was:
Find a reflection in a window, puddle, or shiny surface that creates a layered story. The main subject should be seen only in the reflection, not directly.
It was raining regularly today, so I looked for puddles that might be interesting while I was out, but nothing captured my attention. When I returned home and we unpacked the new camera, I tried out some photos around the apartment. On auto mode because I have no idea what I'm doing with this camera. I learned that autofocus does not like rain-covered windows at night. But I figured out how to use manual focus and got this.
I had the power to change the lighting in the room, and I should have. I'm unhappy with the hallway in the back being so lit up. I could probably have turned off all the lights in the room and done something to illuminate myself and the camera a bit.